I had to share some additional Beetle pics! We spent quite a bit of time today cleaning it [inside and out] and showing Allie how to clean it. She did a great job!
so that she can change them out with her mood! How fun!
Happy New Year!!!!

I had to share some additional Beetle pics! We spent quite a bit of time today cleaning it [inside and out] and showing Allie how to clean it. She did a great job!
Merry Christmas!
I love the holidays...and am so lucky to be able to travel to see my family. Allie and I drove to southern Indiana yesterday and are spending the next couple of days with my mom and dad. While we're here I'll be able to visit my grandpa, my sister, my nephew and some of my uncles, aunts and cousins.
Who will you be spending the holidays with?
Merry Christmas!
Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas at Mom~E~Centric Give Away...
Jerri Ann's giving away 3 items today.Click here to enter the contest ~ Mom~E~Centric Give Away
Prize #2 ~ An adorable bow from My Sweety Room
Prize #3 ~ and…..Mom on the Rise will be giving one lucky winner a Simple Design for wordpress.
Have fun!
I just finished making a 1" version of my #99 Fun Font [uppercase is 2" high] ~ #92 Fun Font [uppercase is 1" high]! They're available now at AKDesigns Boutique.
Have fun shopping!
Day 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas at Mom~E~Centric Give Away...
Jerri Ann's giving away 1 item today!Click here to enter the contest ~ Mom~E~Centric Give Away
Have fun!
Day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas at Mom~E~Centric Give Away...
Jerri Ann's giving away 2 items today. I know, how did she get so many awesome sellers to give away their stuff???Click here to enter the contest ~ Mom~E~Centric Give Away
Prize #1 ~ 1. Sudz N Bubbles will be giving the winner of Day Five an 8 ounce jar of African Shea Butter.Prize #2 ~ Sunshine and Ravioli will be sending the winner these
Have fun!
Day Three of the 12 Days of Christmas at Mom~E~Centric Give Away...
Jerri Ann's giving away 2 items today ~ Perform at Your Best Kit and an adorable personalized tennis towel from me [AKDesigns Boutique ;D]! Links to both are below, plus the link to enter the contest, so check it out!Click here to enter the contest ~ Mom~E~Centric Give Away
Prize #2 ~ Personalized Tennis Towel from AKDesigns Boutique
Have fun!
Just wanted to share a copy of a post from Megan Calhoun @ Twittermoms:
Links to 250+ Alternatives to Big-Box Retailers: Get the Widget!
This list of links comes from the TwitterMoms Holiday Catalog. You'll find literally hundreds of places to shop (and great gift ideas) here, for you and your readers. Shopping is easy -- just click any link to visit the site directly.
You can also freely copy this widget and post it online. If you're really handy with RSS, you can access the feed here.
Enjoy, and happy holidays!
Have fun shopping!
Day Two of the 12 Days of Christmas at Mom~E~Centric Give Away...
Jerri Ann's giving away 2 items today ~ One of a Kind Family Necklace and an awesome book! Links to both are below, plus the link to enter the contest, so check it out!Click here to enter the contest ~ Mom~E~Centric Give Away
Prize #2 ~ "Sleep is for the Weak"
I just started a sale for 20% Off all Embroidery Designs
at AKDesigns Boutique that will be valid until 12/31/08.
Use discount code HOHOHO when checking out
Have fun shopping!
Is your sewing room or office too cold for your hands? I just found the cutest Funkie fingerless [open finger] gloves at Funkie Fresh Custom Crochet on ETSY! I ordered them on the 20th and got them today on the 25th! It's only going to get colder, so you better order them now. ;D