
Monday, July 27, 2009

2009 resolutions update...

Okay, while I was on the treadmill last night I was thinking about my goals and resolutions for the year. I started thinking, "what were my resolutions?", "I wonder how far on/off track I am.", so I've copied in the resolutions that I posted at the beginning of the year and I'll give an update next to each - I can't wait to see how I've done...

2009 Family Resolutions:
  • Eat at home more [cook more ;D] - Proud to say that we've been a lot better at this and have some yummy new regular meals to show for it.
  • Be more active [mountain biking & hiking together] - We have been better at this, but could continue to improve. We've been to the greenway together several times [running/walking/biking].
  • Keep a close eye on what buy - We've been very good at this as well and our bank account shows it - yeah us!
  • Try to get more sleep [all of us stay up too late] - We've all been better at this. We all stay up late on the weekends, but the weekdays are much earlier [most of the time] then they were before.
  • Pick up after ourselves so the house will stay cleaner - We've all been better at this too - it's much easier to do the real house work because there isn't so much picking up to do first.
  • Spend more time together as a family - I think this is the only one that hasn't really gotten better overall - probably about the same. With Allie being a teenager, I guess we're lucky that she spends as much time with us as she does :)
My 2009 Resolutions:
  • Eat healthier foods and think about what and why I'm eating - Most of the time [more often than last year] :)
  • Improve my tennis game - I haven't been able to play as much tennis as I would like, but we made it to City Finals, so that must count for something!
  • Take Max for a 30 minute walk daily [at least most days] - nope ~ I think I've taken him for 4 walks. I know it's bad, but he's getting old and he has a hard time moving around for a few days after a walk, so I can't make myself take him.
  • Keep up with house work better [try to keep main floor company ready at all times] - not perfect, but better.
  • Continue to grow my business - I have worked very hard at this and it shows! It is growing even in this hard economy. I've added supplies and additional software to my offerings and it has helped a lot.
Whew! That was a lot better then I thought it would be! I have had a good first half of the year, so I just need to stay on track to make sure that the next half is even better.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love it if you left a comment about your new year's resolutions and goals and how they're going so far this year!


  1. Congrats on so many checks in your resolutions boxes!
    I started to type a response about my resolutions, but it got pretty long and I thought I'll just thank you for suggesting that we take stock, give it some more thought, and post a similar blog post of my own one of these days.
    The short version is that I had resolved to not spend all my creative energy on my customers and invest some of it in me and us (my family) instead. I've done that and the results have been even better than I anticipated.

  2. Thanks Stacey! I have been enjoying all of your [personal] creations, so I can second that you are on track this year as well!!

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