
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Congratulations Stacey!

~ I just wanted to add a quick note for Stacey ~

SHE'S A FINALIST IN ETSY'S HANDMADE KIDS SWEEPSTAKES!!! But she's only half way there, she needs your votes!

Here are the links to vote on her 2 products that made it ~
1. beanbags - eco friendly
2. tattoo inspired sling - accessories (I'll add a shameless plug ;D I digitized the bird design for Stacey)

You can visit her blog to see what she's been up to ~ Elle Belle Blog

You can visit her ETSY store to see what she has listed ~ Elle Belle on ETSY


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking to my site and the voting pages! So sweet of you to help promote my shop! I appreciate it!
    I get a ton of compliments on the bird design you made for me. It's really top notch and has been a great seller for me!
    I'm so glad you're listing some of your work on Etsy these days, the wheels are turning in my mind for ideas for your tree design :)
    Thanks again!
